Today is WORLD AIDS DAY, 33 million people worldwide are living with AIDS or HIV today my cousin being one of them. She has AIDS and has for over 15 years. The AIDS QUILT is in it’s 20th year Anniversary and it contains 47,000 panels that contain 91,000 people who have died from AIDS [some panels contain many people together] One panel is usually about the size of a grave which is 3 feet by 6 feet. The QUILT weighs 54 Tons now and the last panel title that will be put on is THE LAST ONE written in black on white. This will come when there is a cure for AIDS and after the last person dies from it. The first time and only time so far that the QUILT was shown in it’s entire was in 1996 where it was laid out on the Washington Mall in Washington DC ~

I got to visit part of the QUILT a few years ago when it was brought to Stony Brook University Sports Complex and it was there again thursday. This was a very emotional experience like I have never seen before other than at a loved ones funeral. I was lucky to be able to see that day the panel for Freddie Mercury from Queen who died from AIDS on November 24th 1991, I got to sign my name along with thousands of others, there were many tears that day ~