Daydreams…Part 10

I’am sitting at home. Nurseing really bad head pain. Ever since I left him standing there my head began to hurt. My cellphone rings. I pick it up. It’s his brother. “Hey sunshine!!!!” “What is it” I reply.”Well, it’s good to hear from you too” he says sarcasticly. “I’m sorry, but I have a headache the size of Ohio”. “I’am sorry to hear that, but that doesnt give you the right to be mean to me. Now I’m going to cry”. “Oh shut up and tell me what you want” I say, cutting him off before he starts the fake wimpering. “I want to talk about this morning”. “You and everyone else” I reply angery. “Yes well, as everyone else will let it go, I wont” “I can just hang up” “And I can come over to your house and bang on the door” “And I can not answer” “Then I’ll start to sing”. He got to me. “Ok ok, I’ll talk. Just don’t start singing!!!!” “Thank you” “Oh no, thank you” “Whatever. Now, I know your pissed at me and your mom for levaing you two alone” “Ohhh,ya think???” “Yes well, I’m sorry. We thought you guys might pach things between you two” “You guys just love to use that word, Pach things up, don’t you???”. He sighs a little. “I just want to say that I’am sorry ok. Forgive me?????” I think.”Yeh,forgiven”. “Good.Oh and ps ,Your mom’s really upset .She called after you left for work and said that you where mad at her” “Yeah,I know. I was a real bich this morning” “This morning???” “Shut it. I’ll talk to her in the morning and tell her I’am sorry” “Good. Hey, what time do get off of work tomorrow?????” “Around four” I reply, feeling a little better. The headache want away a bit. “How about meeting me at the shop, you know, just to hang out” I think on it, not trusting him. “And I swear that it will be just me,ok???” He added, reading my mind. “Ok!!!” “Cool, well I ‘m going to let you go. Hope your head feel’s better. Goodnight” “Thanks alot,goodnight” I hang up. I lay on the bed for a bit. I hear dogs barking. I get up and look out the window, I see him, playing with his dogs. “At this time of night???” I think. I look at the clock, it says 11:45.I watch them for a bit. Then he look’s up at me. Our eyes meet. I quckly pull my head in a shut the window. I lay in the bed again, thinking, “Why must we play this game?????”…….