hbguryt84t64856483yt4b!!!! (Or How I Met Tony Kanal)

So Nastassia and I are driving up to the Wiltern– and she grabs my knee– “TONY KANAL!” Me: WHAT Her: RIGHT THERE Me: ohmygod Her: Tony Kanal! Me: PARK! Hurrrry he’s getting AWAY!

So we fork over $15 bucks to park in the lot around the corner and we race inside. We look around, don’t see him. Sigh. Were in line waiting for a drink…

Her: He’s coming down the stairs. Me: Srsly? Her: He’s coming this way. Me: Ohmygod he’s right behind us.

I can’t NOT talk to him. Remember the time I didn’t talk to Milo whatever his name is who plays Jess on Gilmore Girls @ the Jimmy Eat World show? Remember the time I didn’t talk to Elyse from Dance Hall Crashers @ the Get Up Kids show? Regret regret regret. And this is TONY KANAL. Inspiration for MANY of my favorite songs. …

I turn and refrain from saying “Excuse Me Mr. even though, yes, the thought did occur to me, corny and awful as it was.

I turn and don’t say: Would you mind dating me and then breaking up with me so I can write hit songs and become an icon?

I turn and don’t say: Can you tell Gwen I’m available for babysitting?

I turn and don’t say: Any chance Gwen is experiencing post-partum depression and will write something a little less Rock Steady and a little more Return of Saturn?

I turn and don’t say: Thank you for your existence.

Instead I manage to say: “I know you probably don’t want to be bothered, but I am a huge fan of your band.”

Tony Kanal says: Oh thank you.

All smooth and suave like he is.

Also, The Killers were good. And Amy Smart was there, which made me think of how much I dislike the Directors Cut of The Butterfly Effect.

But mostly, I met Tony Kanal 🙂