It’s Squirrely Appreciation Day on Buzznet !!!! My Squirrels were very happy to hear this and thought you might like to see some of their Antics ….

Wake me up when the food gets here !!!!!

Damn Paparazzi is stalking me again !!!

Maybe she won’t see me up here !!!!

Maybe the coast is clear now ?

I think these guys are safe to hide next to !!!!!

OH NO she found me again !!!!

HAHA I outsmarted her again !!!!!

Finally I’m alone at last !!!! Having a snack …….

I’m SO tired from all that Paparazzi stalking me today I think it’s time for a nap …….. I think she found another Squirrely to STALK now 😀

UH OH !!! I think I’ve been spotted by the Paparazzi, time to try and hide from the cameras ……..

EEK !!!! I’m too late she caught me without my makeup 😀

NO Squirrely’s were harmed Emotionally for this Blog 😀