
Honesty Blog: Stay True, Stay Strong, Stay Beautiful

As some of you may know, there is a new Bloggers Against Cyber Bullying group that we wanted to share with you all because to be blunt, bullying of any kind f$%^ing sucks. Before I…

13 Fun Ways To Workout In 2013

Even though I find working out to be an amazing experience, there are days where I’d rather sit in bed than go to the gym! I have been trying to find new ways to workout so I have no excuse to go out and do something healthy for myself! I have been hiking, taking fun… More »

I Swear We Are Infinite

Considering how fast time is going by, I will be 18 in a blink of an eye, and I can reassure you that I want a tattoo! I’ve searching around online for super cute tattoos, and found that “infinity” tattoos are super popular… so here’s a gallery of the cutest infinite tattoos! And this is… More »

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