
The 12 Struggles Of Winter

I have completely had it with winter and it’s only January! The snow, the bitter cold, feeling like the Michelin tire man with some stupid coat on all the time, ugly ass snow boots that don’t even keep my feet warm. The list is endless. There are plenty of things to complain about winter so… More »


On New Years Day we decided to go watch a bunch of crazy people run into the water when it was only in the low 30’s !!! At exactly…

BRR! The Polar Vortex Mix

If you’re reading this from someplace warm, I envy you. As I’m sure you’ve all heard, it seems that this “polar vortex” has returned and let me tell you, it has no mercy! It is…

What Chilled Jennifer Lawrence To The Bone?

Jennifer Lawrence is one firey lady – after all, she’s previously shot down rude weight comments and has openly announced her love of Honey Boo Boo. So what got the…

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