
#TokioHotelTV Is BACK! Premiere This Afternoon At 5pm CET!

YES YES YES! Tokio Hotel TV is back!

This afternoot at 5pm (German time) Tokio Hotel will air the new episode of 2015. Are you ready to watch…

5 TV Episodes To Make You Fall In L-O-V-E!

There’s nothing cuter than Ralph’s attempt to win Lisa’s heart with the words “I Choo-Choo-Choose You” on The Simpsons… except for maybe Blaine’s “Silly Love Songs” cover on Glee! Some of our favorite TV…

Flashback Friday: 5 Thanksgiving TV Episodes We’re Thankful For

Thanksgiving may still have you stuffed, but the holiday isn’t over just yet! There’s no doubt you have plenty of turkey leftovers to last for days. So while you’re munching on…

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