
Valentine’s Day Makes Some of Us Desperate

If you hadn’t noticed, I’m minus a Valentine this year.  Well, short of all my lovely friends on Buzznet, and trust me you count in my book.  But not in my little pink book.  Sorry.


Amazon’s Desperate Attempts at Human Contact (Part 1 of a new ongoing series)

So, I’m bad at people.

Like, bad at talking to them, bad at meeting them, bad at really saying anything to them.  When presented with a social situation where I do not know anyone, I tend…

Fantastic Narcissm:

Kevin linked me to this on craigslist just now… hahaha…
“Date: 2006-03-16, 7:50PM PST
i saw you in my rear view mirror near state and figueroa. your eyes sent shivers down my spine.
oh wait, that was…

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