
Lovely Bones

No longer do skulls exclusively belong to the world of Halloween – they have graduated to full on, year round, mega trend status! Your grandma still might think you have sold your soul to the devil, but rest assured the rest of the fashion world is right along with you. From boho Pamela Love howlite… More »

Beauty Is Skin Deep – Eizo X-Ray Pin-Up Calendar

I must say, the “Eizo: Pin-up Calendar 2010” is really particular. This revealing calendar features 12 “bone bunnies” – X-ray images of skeletal pin-up girls. Eizo is actually a brand of medical supplies and I think their campaign is genius! They wanted to come up with a catchy giveaway that highlighted their expertise in “high-precision… More »

BUZZNET Exclusive: Young Guns Premiere ‘Bones’ Lyric Video

Young Guns have the perfect new lyric video for Halloween! The British rock band from London’s hit single, “Bones” will get your blood pumping and this lyric video will get you in the mood to…

Tokyolux Kitty Couture


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