
Buzznet’s Best Of Amoeba Adventure 2012 (VIDEO)

Taking artists on Amoeba Adventures has been one of our favorite things all year. It gives our favorite bands the opportunity to talk about some of the music they love and we all…

MUSIC NOTES: Muse Premiere ‘Madness’ Video & More (VIDEO)

Muisc notes; because let’s face it, #musicrules

Enjoy these three little nuggets of music news to keep you in the loop! 

[brightcove id=1824534729001 type=videoList autoplay=0] 

For more of our interview with Kenny Vasoli click…

BUZZNET Exclusive: Andrew WK’s Amoeba Adventure (VIDEO)

Here at Buzznet we love an Amoeba Adventure and we also love Andrew WK — so naturally combining those two things would make for an epic video! This episode is by far the most fun we have ever had learning about…

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