My Summertime Swaggy

Hey guys,

Enjoy the gallery of some photos I have taken with Instagram (@jazminwhitley) so far this Summer!

1. What’s your favorite Summertime food?

A side salad from Nordstrom Cafe and the crem brule

2. Any Summer vacations planned?

I went to Arizona with my family and got to relax by the lake and visit my cousin.

3. Do you prefer Summer or Winter?

SUMMER! I love summer nights.

4. Would you rather play at the beach or lay by a pool?

Lay by the pool. I love the beach, I just don’t get into the ocean.

5. What’s your Summer style?

Shorts,shorts,shorts. Oh and floral mini dresses.

6. Are you working on any projects this summer?

I’m styling shoots like crazy! I just styled one in SD that will be featured in Nationalist Magazine. I’m also doing some red carpet styling.

7. What’s on your Summer 2012 playlist?

Ellie Goulding

8. Do you plan on seeing any new movies this Summer?

I really want to watch Ted! Everyone said it was hilarious.

Hope you are all having a fabulous July XO!