A Man’s Experiment Proves Cats Are Drawn To Circles
It seems totally bizarre (and it is) but for some reason, when a cat sees a circle drawn on the floor, it is compelled to sit in it. It doesn't matter what the circle is made out of-- string, an electric cord, tape-- they all work the same.
One cat owner decided to try an experiment to find out why his cat wanted nothing more than to sit in a circle he drew on the floor.
It Started With a Cord Circle
So how did this theory of cats and circles begin? One day, a loose cord was lying on the floor and formed a circle. It hadn't always been there, and the cat of the house took notice. It was also perfectly placed next to the cat's favorite window.
Cat fact: Studies have shown that cats will either move their heads or their ears when they hear a voice, regardless of whether it came from their owner or not.
The Cat Came Right Over
Like most cats, this one likes to look out the window into the backyard and watch the other animals that come by. When the cat saw the circle, it was the perfect place to sit. The cat's owner couldn't help but notice.
Cat fact: Cats rub up against their humans to mark them with their scent. That way, when there are other animals around, they all know that you belong to your cat and no one else!
Would it Work Again?
This got the cat's owner wondering if he created another circle on the floor, would it have the same effect as the circle that the cord formed? Was it just a random occurrence, or was there something to this? He took some tape, cut it into pieces and formed a circle on the living room floor with it.
Cat fact: Studies have also found that cats' short-term memory doesn't work as well as their long-term memory.
Here Comes The Cat!
The owner finished the circle of tape and in no time at all, their cat took notice. Yep. The cat came right over to see what their owner had created. The circle is about the same size as the cat, and it stepped right in the middle to see what this circle was all about.
Cat fact: There are over 74 million cats in the U.S., while the number of dogs tops off at just shy of 70 million.
I'll Sit In This Circle
The cat's expression probably matches that of its owner. The cat looks amazed and bewildered that another circle appeared on the floor, and that it fit in it there perfectly. Where was this circle yesterday? It wasn't here. Guess I better head over and sit in the middle of it. Its owner didn't have to wait too long for it to happen!
Cat fact: They are still hardwired to hunt at night like their big cat cousins. Cats will spend about 70% of their lives sleeping.
Let's Try Two
The cat's owner was fascinated as their experiment was showing some results. So, he decided to change it up and create another circle on the floor, close by the other one. Would his cat go for another circle? Would it stick to the original? Or do nothing at all? It was time to launch phase two.
Cat fact: Because cats realize that their humans are their caretakers, they've learned to meow at them to get their attention.
Add Another Circle Into The Equation
He created another circle on the floor next to the first one, and the cat came back over. First, it walked through the original circle. Then it noticed the second one and had to see what this one was all about. It's a bit smaller than the first circle.
Cat fact: Cats can develop lactose intolerance. If you've ever tried to offer a cat milk and they weren't having it, this is probably the reason.
Smaller Circle Wins
Now that there were two circles on the floor, which one would the cat choose? As it turned out, it wanted to sit in the new, smaller circle. So, do you have any theories as to why this circle trick works with cats?
Cat fact: On average, cats can reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour! For reference, that's just a hair above Olympian Usain Bolt's average speed, which is around 27 miles per hour.
The Internet Got On Board
Once he shared the circle trick he witnessed with his cat, other cat owners had to give it a try. This person created a circle of tape in their home and ALL of their cats took notice.
Cat fact: One of the wealthiest cats in the world is a cat named Tommaso who lived in Italy with his owner Maria Assunta. When Assunta passed away at 94 years old in 2011, she left the entirety of her $13 million estate to Tommaso.
He's a Natural
How cute is this ginger cat? He saw the bathrobe sash formed into a circle on the floor and knew that he had to make his move. Just look how happy he is in his circle.
Cat fact: A study by the University of Messina's Faculty of Veterinary Medicine found that captivity can profoundly affect certain animals, felines included. While genetics do play a part in behavior and personality, a cat’s environment is a major factor too.
A Theory
One of the most popular theories why cats seem drawn to circles involves them feeling safe and secure inside the shape. Anything that provides a feeling of security is definitely going to be a big draw!
Cat fact: Cats in ancient Egypt were regarded on the same level as deities. Ancient Egyptians believed cats were sacred creatures, which is why harming a feline in any way was punishable by death.
All Breeds Are On Board
Is it a particular type of cat that likes the circle? It appears that the answer to that question is nope! All of these cats of different breeds have taken an interest in the circle.
Cat fact: Why does your cat follow you into the bathroom? "Cats probably know that when we are on the toilet, we are a captive audience — nowadays we are so busy and distracted that many cats are probably looking for an opportunity to have our undivided attention!"
Cups Work, Too
This cat owner thought that a circle made of plastic cups would be an easier clean-up with the same experiment. And what do you know? It worked once again. Cats just can't stay away from circles of any kind.
Cat fact: Since 1998, the small town of Talkeetna, Alaska has had a cat for its mayor. Stubbs the cat won the mayoral election for Talkeetna as part of a successful write-in campaign. Mayor Stubbs has remained in office until his passing in 2017.
Squares Can Work, Too
Ok, we've proven that the circle trick works with cats. But what about other shapes? One cat owner decided to try out the trick but with a square instead of a circle. It seems to work just the same, although this cat doesn't look as calm in its square as the others did in their circles.
Cat fact: Cats aren't fond of sweets because they actually can't taste them. Cats are one of the few mammals in the world that lack the taste receptors for sweetness.
Not Sure Why He's Here
This cat looks a bit frazzled. You see he might be having a hard time, set off by a bad fur day when he woke up. There's a circle made of tape here that he decided to sit on the edge of. Most likely because he would not fit within the rubberband circle next to it. Hang in there, buddy.
Cat fact: With their strong vocal cords, cats have the ability to make up to 100 different sounds!
Ferrets Like Circles, Too
This person doesn't own a cat, so they decided to call out their ferret and see if it works with them, too. Well, here you have it folks. Create a circle of tape on the floor and your ferret will come running. This means the circle phenomenon is not just limited to cats. Just when you think it couldn't get any more weird... it does.
Ferret fact: A group of ferrets is called a business.
Stop By For Some Circle Time
This cute kitten looks a little bit confused. She's not sure what time it is, or how she got here. But she saw a yellow circle on the floor and just knew that it was the place to be. We wonder how long people are leaving these circles on their floor before their pets notice.
Cat fact: In ancient times, human farming communities attracted all sorts of delicious pests and rodents. Cats took notice and haven't left humans' sides ever since.
The Perfect Size Circle
We all know the cat motto, "If it fits, I sits." Cats and boxes go hand-in-hand for this reason. But here we have a cat that's found a circle that perfectly fits her. She looks totally content, curled up in the belt circle and we're sure she's never leaving.
Cat fact: While humans have sweat glands almost everywhere on the body, cats only have them in their paws. Cats lick their paws, then saliva evaporates off their fur, cooling them down.
Amy Doesn't Care
One cat owner posted this image of her cat on Instagram. Clearly, there's plenty of nice grass around her, but yet she chooses to sit on the patch of dead grass. Which happens to be a circle! She captioned it: "Hey there, it's Amy! I like to sit in the yellow circle, but I really don't know why."
Cat fact: Some people say that guys who own cats have more luck in the love department than those who don't!
Unenthused About It
Instagram user @personalpimm decided to take a shot and see if her cat Viggo would go for it if she created a circle on the ground. Well, as well know, it worked like a charm. She posted this photo with: "Viggo did the thing!" He doesn't look too pleased, though.
Cat fact: Many people credit physicist Sir Isaac Newton for having invented cat doors. Whether or not it's an urban legend, it apparently takes a genius to think that cats need their own tiny doors to walk through.
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