These Student Protests Throughout History Caused Major Change

Time after time, students around the world have never been afraid to take a step forward to ignite change. Throughout history, students have taken risks to stand up for justice and let their voices be heard. Their efforts have changed the course of history and more. Looking back on the largest and most successful student protests over the course of history, it’s incredible what these students sought out to prove.

Student Vietnam War Protest Turns Fatal


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In 1970 Americans were heavily divided over the war in Vietnam. As the casualties of war increased, antiwar protests intensified. And things didn’t get better once American troops invaded Cambodia. On May 4,1970 students of Kent State University in Ohio gathered and protested the Vietnam War and President Nixon’s announcement of the U.S. bombing in Cambodia.

When the police showed up, they couldn’t get it under control. This prompted a state of emergency and the Ohio National Guard was dispatched. That decision turned out fatal, as four unarmed students were killed and another nine wounded by shots fired by the National Guard. This prompted 4 million students across the country to go on strike, calling for an end to the Vietnam War.

If you thought that was bloody, a student group called the White Rose Society were executed by Nazis when they protested in 1942. Keep reading to learn more.