So this is a day in one or two of my squirrels life here. Most of it relates to FOOD !! Or waiting for FOOD !! They have a new area where there are 2 feeders for them. The box feeder and the new Picnic Table. Of course they also have plenty of food at the other feeders in my yard so they are never Hungry. It’s the time of the year for them to go in the woods to Hunt for Acorns and hoard them for winter. So I’m not seeing as many here now and most won’t be back until the end of October. But I’m always ready with my camera stalking whatever ones I can find 😀

I’ve been seen !! Sometimes you can’t hide from them 😀

Maybe it’s time to try and hide from that Lady 😀

I think it’s time to leave and find a place where NO one is watching me 😀

Maybe I can hide in the Shadow and NO one will know I’m here ……. Just ignore that SIGN 😀

It is quite Nice here though, maybe I’ll go back to the Picnic Table for a another try at eating …….

OH NO !! Where did he come from !!!

The food is Good but the Privacy Sucks at this restaurant 😀

I think I’ll take a walk to the front yard and see what is happening out there …….

OH NO !! She found me again !! I think I’ll climb the tree and hide from her now ……

Yes I think I’m safe up here, no one will see me now 😀

So that is a Day in my Squirrels life here at Bizarreland. I hope you enjoyed watching them like I do 😀