If Your Favorite Dolls Were Real…

Happy Friday, Babies <3

So, as this fantastical #DollWeek starts to wind down, I thought it would be interesting to show you all what your favorite dolls would look like if they were real – stripped down of the makeup and the totally unrealistic body proportions.

As much as I love the beautiful world of dolls and all of its fantasy – it’s important to remember the beauty of YOU <3

….So I feel like this is a good time to share some of my thoughts on body image:

I was really lucky to grow up with a mother who never complained about her body. She was and is a very earthy and real person. I remember she barely ever wore make up (Lucky 11 year old me stealing all her cosmetics without her noticing!:) ) and doesn’t have any wrinkles now. She ran about 4 miles every day and to this day at 50, doesn’t have an inch of cellulite.

As I grow older, I realize more and more how important it is to live in the flow and with a sense of gratitude…that also means having gratitude for your body, your “vehicle” in this life. The first thing to do is to stop finding fault. There is no fault, it is ALL perfect. There are so many things in the world that strip people of their health – diseases, accidents – Eveyone always thinks the bad things won’t happen to them, but nothing is guaranteed. Don’t wait to get sick or old to realize that your healthy body is a true blessing.

I am saddened by the constant flow of advertising telling people that they need to be this and that to “have it all”…no…we already have it ALL. You know how they say nobody’s perfect? That’s a lie. Everyone is perfect. A perfect expression of life. And there it is and then it’s gone, never to be repeated.

Relish in you. Appreciate you. Say thanks to your healthy body today for serving you so gracefully.



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