20 Things I am Thankful for

Tomorrow is American Thanksgiving, (my native Canada’s Thanksgiving was weeks ago) and I am so excited to spend the day off with Swoon’s family. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because it always reminds me to check in and get right with my soul. I spent this morning going through my photos from this year and I wanted to make a list of some of the things that I am personally the most thankful for.

This really has been the most incredible year for me, it’s all moving so fast that sometimes I have a hard time finding the time to sit back and revel in all thee blessings. I cannot believe that I got to marry the love of my life, and that our wedding turned out so magical, and that we got to buy our first home together…I’m so thankful that everyday I get to wake up and live inside this dream job…I’m so glad I didn’t give up all the times it got hard and I wanted to change to an easier path. It’s amazes me, the adventures I get to have every day.

I’m thankful for getting a little older too. I have to say. that I feel more beautiful with the wisdom of a few years. I feel like I know what is important in my life, and feel strong enough to trust my gut when it comes everything.

We must have graditude in each moment, not just the big ones. Be thankful for the little victories too.

What are you thankful for? Hit me up twitter and I might just end up being thankful for you and sending you a special treat….