Fall In Love With Maddie On Things: The Magic Posing Dog!

Once upon a time photographer Theron Humphrey decided to leave his well paying job as a photographer and hit the road to experience life. As we all know, life is that much sweeter with a canine companion so he adopted an adorable coon hound and named her Maddie.

This is them:

One day Theron was snapping pics and tried placing his new best friend on top of something. Maddie didn’t mind a bit. She stayed perfectly still and loved every second of it. Thus, Maddie On Things was born and Theron photographed his amazing pup as they traveled from coast to coast.

Here they are on their trailer

They share food sometimes

Maddie willingly stands on things

She’ll sit in things too

She doesn’t mind skateboards either

She’ll hide in the bushes if you want her to

Or pretend to be a lamp!

All in all, Maddie is amazing. Rescue dogs are the best! I myself adopted a scrappy little terrier from a shelter and could not be happier. Go Maddie go for being amazing and spreading the gospel of incredible rescues! Her human is pretty awesome too!

Did I mention they have a book called Maddie On Things? You should buy it.

Click here to learn more about their travels and adventures!

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