The Cutest Guitar I Have Ever Seen

So I’ve had this huge problem in my life as a guitar player who – I admit – really views my guiar as a stage accessory. Regular guitars just aren’t cute enough. Like sure, I could get an awesome sounding guitar in any color I want for way outside of my price range because the guitars I want just don’t come in pink or pastel purple or a dreamy seafoam green that used to match my old hair.

HOWEVER, that’s not actually true. Because Daisy Rock really understands the struggles of being a girly girl in a male-dominated industry. There just isn’t a lot that’s marketed or made just for us. Sometimes, I don’t want something “unisex” or “boyish” or “regular,” I want sparkles and I want to match my nail polish to my guitar! And that is why I love Daisy Rock, who were kind enough to send me the cutest guitar I have ever seen in my whole life.

I am a firm believer that everything feels better with glitter and looks better with glitter and I’m glad I didn’t grow up in the ’80s because I would  have abused bedazzlers and all those tacky sequined things (actually I still do this). This guitar just does it for me. Writer’s block still feels terrible, but not as terrible. And actually, I never much subscribed to the idea that smaller frets and a lighter guitar would make me able to play better and longer. I could play fine on regular sized frets with a moderately heavy guitar (okay, not Gibson heavy, but Fender heavy). Well, I was completely wrong. I play so much better on a guitar that’s specifically designed for smaller hands, smaller bodies — me!

If you’re a girl who’s thinking about picking up a guitar or wondering what kind of guitar to get – buy a Daisy Rock. Sure, boys may giggle at you, like my band who’s like ‘lol what a girl guitar,’ but hello – i know you may not realize this because I am very flat-chested, but I am actually a girl. I want to play a girl guitar. Stupid boys. Trust me, your life will be a lot less frustrating learning how to play chords on something designed for your hands and I regret not getting one sooner. plus, SPARKLES.