Prepare For Strongest Full Moon Of 2013

The strongest/intense full moon of 2013 is tomorrow night. It’s good to prepare for these as they may being up situations and healing that need to be addressed. Think yoga, clean eating, getting your beauty sleep, detox bubble baths, meditation, creatin a sacred space, cleaning out closets and just creating some awesme art. Be creative, open and relaxed. Take care of your mind body and soul. Remember full moons are active for four days before and after. Make it a full moon trip until Sunday.

”The Libra Full Moon triggers the powerful life-changing Pluto/Uranus square. We need to practice conscious awareness in our lives. Be awake in what we are choosing and doing. Change is the only constant in transitional 2013.”

“We want to be open and flexible to what is being asked of us. Being controlling and/or rigid will not bring us what we want. Make friends with change…We are the masters of our destiny. We are the empowered ones…”

“Relationships are front and center at the Libra Full Moon. We have Venus, Sun, Uranus, and Mars in Aries opposing the Moon in Libra all challenging (T-squaring) Pluto in Capricorn. Reinventing relationships is a strong theme. Old ones may need to be released, as new relationships emerge.”

“Watch out for emotional power struggles. For instance, people who use manipulation, hidden agendas, guilt and jealousy to control us. These are the lower energies of Pluto. This is not love. This is fear. Own your power. Love Self more than the need for a relationship. Love Self more than the need to keep people in your life.”

“…There is a Yod (finger of God) pointing to Jupiter in Gemini at the Full Moon. This Yod involves the heavyweights — serious Saturn and pernicious Pluto. Creator is saying to us. ‘Cleanse and purge your life of self-limiting beliefs, negative thought patterns and attitudes.‘ Remember that, we create our reality with our thoughts, words, feelings and actions. What do you want to create? Take charge of your mind and life.”

“We end March with the Sun in Aries challenged by Pluto. Resistance is futile with purging Pluto. We are to move from breakdown to breakthrough. We may need to make radical changes in our lives. Where ever things are not working well. Keep the faith and trust that a new and better life will replace the old.”

♦ Are you ready to move ahead?

♦ Are you open to new friendships and love?

♦ Where do you need to take a giant step forward?

“Remember that, these planets only take that which is obsolete. They will not take what you need for your personal evolution. In fact, the main purpose of the Libra Full Moon and the Sun/Pluto transit is to empower you. So that you are ready to receive the positive creative changes that can take place now.”

“Clean out the closets in your home and in your mind. Use the Libra Full Moon to clear out the past and to get organized. In this way, you are sending a powerful message to Creator. You are letting the universe know that you are ready for the new opportunities that are coming into your life.”

“We are in the new paradigm. Creating wealth and manifesting our heart’s desire will require us to live from our Soul-Self. We are to come from love not fear. We are to release and let go. Our soul knows that the best is yet to come. Make sure you are sleeping, resting and taking time for yourself. These powerful ascension energies raising our vibrations can be exhausting at times. Take a time out when you need it. Come back re-energized. Get ready for action in April.”

“Nobody else knows your reason for being. You do. Your bliss guides you to it. When you follow your bliss, when you follow your path to joy, your conversation is of joy, your feelings are of joy — you’re right on the path of that which you intended when you came forth into this physical body. ~ Abraham