Quesiton Of The Day: Pancakes, Nutella, & #ICantGoOneDayWithout

Do you think we should stop calling these the Question of the Day? Well, at least when they hash tag related, anyway. What should we call them? Anymews, let’s talk about a few things. First:

It’s Pancake Day, y’all! This picture I found here: BaksterPhobia

I guess there are different Pancake Day festivities held at different times before Party Gras and stuff. Mostly I think Shrove Tuesday happens before Lent and IDEK what any of that actually means other than pancakes for people across the pond (in relation to me).

Also, this:

It’s also Nutella Day! Brittany has a Nutella Hot Chocolate recipe ready for you!

So pretty much this day needs to have a baby with itself so that we can have Nutella Pancakes all day errrrday and then there will be now ar or anything because we’ll all be full of delicious.


Now for the Explain Yourself part of the QOTD. What is one thing that you can’t go a day without doing? Hint: you cannot say things like, Breathe, eat, sleep, and other things that regulated by your medulla oblongata. Get festive with your answer because today is a day most yummy.

Are you ready? Yes. Go!

What’s one thing you can’t go a day without doing?