Jazmin Whitley: This or That

Do you want the new Green Day album OR the new No Doubt Album?

I have to go with No Doubt, Gwen is my girl and I have always been inspired by her fashion and music! Since back in the day she has made the most rockin fashion statements.

Old school Pop music OR the current Pop stars?

This is a hard one!! I love my 90’s pop but I think right now current pop is really fun and a little bit more dance. I think I would pick todays current pop stars. They all seem a bit more edgy and powerful

Instagram OR Twitter?

I use both SO much! I think I would have to say Instagram is really fun right now, and a picture is worth 1,000 words right?

Texting OR talking on the phone?

I think talking on the phone is way more personal and I can’t just text, I love to text my life away, don’t get me wrong. However there is nothing like hearing the tone in someones voice.

Buying CDs OR listening online?

Buying a CD!

Group dates OR single dates?

Single dates because my boyfriend and I have yet to find people that we both like hanging out with haha.

Halloween OR Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving all the way!!! I love all the food and family and we do it up big for thanksgiving at my house. Plus I don’t celebrate Halloween.

Summer OR Winter Fashion

This is sooo hard for me, being a fashion designer I love fall and winter clothing. The textures and the layers and the fabrics are so gorgeous. However, personally I rather wear less and not have to worry about freezing. I like being able to rock a mini dress.