Fashion In Film: Daisies – Floral Headbands & Panda Eyes!

For today’s Fashion in Film segment, I’d like to discuss the movie Daisies. It’s a 1966 Czech film that is considered a milestone in modern surrealist cinema (and also happens to be in my top 5 of favorites)! It follows two teenage girls who engage in strange pranks as acts of rebellion against the world in which they live. Innovatively filmed, the entire movie is litterally spent watching these gals con older men into buying them dinner, getting drunk, eating excessive amounts of food, and generally causing mayhem! Most importantly though, I love the fashion in this film! There are some truly amazing and surreal sequences. And I LOVED the use of block color dresses, gingham bikinis and floral headbands (perfect summer style inspiration). All in all, the rebel heroines in Daisies are fascinating and indulging as they pull you inside a series of revolutionary acts. A MUST WATCH!