Question of the Day: What Thing Can You Never Forgive?

Forgiveness is a huge part of our lives. It’s often a tenant of many faiths and I suppose it’s for good reason. If everyone is doing it, it must cool, right? It’s also something that you don’t have to do because some things are so unspeakable that it’s okay for you to hold in all you emotions or rage out at whomever violated something you abhor. That sentence seems a bit too long but whatever. It happens.


Since nothing of real substance actually happens in my life, most of my unforgivable acts aren’t really problems at all. Really bad grammar? UNFORGIVABLE. Being late to things? UNFORGIVABLE. Eat the last of my snacky snacks? UNFORGIVABLE. Have a slow wifi whatever and I can’t stream my stories properly? DIAF. Whine about things that don’t really matter? YOU NEED TO LEAVE. You get the idea.

Now that I am done listing my first world problems and the reasons why I hate myself, it’s your turn to tell me real problems that you simply cannot turn the other cheek toward. Are you ready? Yes, you are. GO!

What things can you never forgive?