Winter Wellness Tips

Winter is a harsh exhuasting season that will kick you butt and wear you out if you let it! Too much fashion and fun too little time. It’s really important to stay on top of your health and relaxtion during these dark cold months. Here are a few of my favorite tips for beating the winter blues.

1. Set aside one day a week to rest, reflect and regenerate. Watch your favorite movies, take baths, light some incense, endulge in your favorite teas. No electronics!

2. The Bach Flower Remedy ( im a huge fan of this line, im actually learning on testing for it ) Oak enhances willpower, endurancr and devotion to higher ideals. Add four drops to eight ounces of drinking water or tea four times a day. You can also dab this on your skin or add it to a hot steamy bath. You can purchase at Amazon or Whole Foods.

3. Do dry heat saunas two to three times a week. Start with five minutes and work up to 20 minute sessions. Local gyms or Korean bath spas are perfect places for this.

4. Take a long aromatherpy bath before bed three times a week. This is an excellent way to reduce stress, soothe muscles, care for the skin and encourage detox by opening pores and stimulating your lymphmatic system to release toxins through perspiration. Use essential oils such as rose ad lavender to help reduce craving and stress, or rosemary, which can reduce aches and pains.

5. Try consuming two to three tablespoons of chia seeds a day. They can be added to soups, stews, dressings or spinkled over salads and veggies. They are great source of omega 3s and plant based calcium, plus a major hunger buster due to fiber content. I love throwing these into green smoothies in the morning!

6. Meditate for atleast 10 minutes a day to deeply rest your mind, and or join a local yoga group! Yoga release tension, stress and helps the body heal by allowing you to find your natural vibration.