So You’re a Hufflepuff: Now What?

I don’t know why I did this but I went and got myself sorted. Turns out that I am a Hufflepuff. Everyone always tells me that I am and now I have the internet confirming this. Well, now what? Here are some awesome things about probably the best house ever.

Badgers. Everywhere. Always.

oOnTz oOnTz oOnTz oOnTz oOnTz

These colors don’t run (because they don’t have legs):

Clarissa Made A List of What to Wear Hufflepuff Fashion (and I already have most of it):

Those flats are killing me, though.

Our House Ghost is better than yours:

Guess who’s a Hufflepuff?

Also, we are located near the kitchen:

Be proud, fellow Hufflepuffs. We give hugs. We are unafraid of toil and such.