Hayley Williams Debuts New Hair & Fans React

Yesterday Parmaore’s pint-size front woman Hayley Williams, debuted her new hair — and the Internet went bananas.

There has been criticism towards Paramore fans for years that the band’s popularity stems from Hayley’s style, mainly her colorful locks. There are countless twitter accounts and Tumblr blogs dedicated her ever-changing hair as if it were a member of the band. Usually these accounts are very positive, worshipping her choice of cut and color, but today Hayley was feeling the heat from the viral community.

Ms. Williams’ new hair (basically pink with an undercut dyed yellow), has sparked enough negative comments online that Hayley herself addressed the situation via her Tumblr account.

dear the people who keep writing me about my hair and bein’ all negative and such…

one day we’ll all be old and maybe by then you’ll realize how weird it was that you cared so much about what other people are doing with their lives… or their hair.

anyways, have a good one!

Writing this, I am a huge long-time Paramore fan (actually currently wearing this t-shirt Charlavail designed for the band), I could care less what her hair looks like. Her talent, incredible voice and sense of self are why I personally admire her. She is the same girl underneath all the hair “ya’ll”!

Oh and in other news, Hello Cold World is incredible; check out the lyrics Hayley also posted on her Tumblr yesterday and a portion of the live chat video below!

So what do you think of Hayley’s new hair? What do you think of ‘Hello Cold World’?