Question of the Day: Do You Want Kids?

Hey baby, wanna wrestle?

This baby here is named Nicolas. He is a friend of Lainie. I’ve been looking for the proper “Hey baby, wanna wrestle?” gif a la Beavis and Butthead but my search has thus far been for not. Instead, you shall get this:

and that’s why I don’t want children. I have a fear that they will grow up to be Buttheads and murder me in my sleep because I never got them a Wii or w/e. Don’t get me wrong, babies are cool and stuff, as long as they are not near me when they start crying. Anyway, now it’s your turn.

Stuff for you:

Do you want kids? Why or why not? If you have kids, why did you have them? What’s the best thing about your kids?


Do you want kids?