Fashion in Film Volume 2: Ghost World featuring Scarlett Johansson

For my second installment, I’d like to discuss the fashion in another one of my favorite films: Ghost World! Ghost World is a 2001 comedy-drama, based on the cult comic book of the same name, focusing on the life of two teenage friends (and social outsiders) Enid and Rebecca, who after graduating from high school play a mean prank on a middle-aged geek. The clothing in this film really add to the story and growth of the characters. And this summer, I’m all about the fashions of Enid Coleslaw (played by Thora Birch), Ghost World’s smart, witty teenage protagonist who could surely be classified as a reluctant style icon. She wore clothing that really expressed where she was at that moment…I love this waitress ensemble with the leopard print skirt and feather headband! She’s not afraid to play with costume-like pieces in her outfits. Both Thora Birch and Scarlett Johansson did great job in this movie and I can’t get enough of their self-consciously weird outfits! If you haven’t seen this film, you need to do that! It’s really great!

Make sure to check out last weeks discussion on ‘The Craft’ here!