Did you really think it was possible for me to date someone who wasn’t in a band?

Everyone knows I have a type. I like skinny boys in skinny jeans that play music. In my book, “Rockettes, Rockstars and Rockbottom” I talk about three of my most important rock n’ relationships, but it doesn’t stop there. I can think of a few more first dates that happened via watching a band on stage. I cannot help it.

Little known secret: Long before Swoon became music manager extraordinaire he was, le sigh, in a band. I was determined to break my addiction to music playing men in skinny jeans, but I think I found my loophole.

Sometimes, I search around the internet for old videos of Swoon playing bass and spend the night drooling. I never got to see him play before he switched over to the other side of music but these videos are just enough to keep my musician loving heart beating.

I am pretty sure he is the tallest bass player I have ever seen? What do you guys think?