‘Harry Potter’ Author J.K. Rowling Announces Pottermore to Launch… But What IS It?

A mysterious new Harry Potter website is counting down to something – but the question is: What IS it? On Thursday, the website Pottermore.com (which is currently nothing more than two owls sitting on branches against a magenta background with the words “Coming soon”) was revealed after Harry Potter fans were set off on a scavenger hunt when a message about a big announcement from Potter author J.K. Rowling was posted on the site SecretStreetView.com, reports the Los Angeles Times.

The new Pottermore website, which has Twitter and YouTube accounts, tweeted a link to the YouTube page that is counting down to the author’s BIG annoucement. If the calculations are correct, fans should expect word at 4AM Pacific Time on June 23rd.

And although nothing is set in stone just yet, fans are definitely speculating what the big announcement is – and what Pottermore really is. Among the guesses: the idea gaining the most traction is that Pottermore stands for “Potter Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Experience,” a MMORPG set in the world of wizarding and magic we’ve grown to love, reveals Entertainment Weekly.

“The owls are gathering… Find out why soon,” the Pottermore YouTube page reads.

Cryptic. Eerie. Exciting!

What do you think Pottermore is?