Buzznet Original: JaneBecameInsane

Everyone and their inner child has requested that Jane become a Buzznet OG. Who am I to deny such things? Pretty much Jane is a rainbow that begins in Germany and ends up on your computer screen. She is like a double rainbow EVERYDAY.

Jane is studying to become a teacher of AWESOME and mostly she is getting an A+ in RADICALness:

“Have You Ever?” homework assignment

She’s been getting pretty snazzy in the Photo Assignments:

This is her F is for Fear post. Go read what she wrote. It’s pretty magical.

I’m pretty sure she loves Kittehs more than anyone, ever. She loves her cats very much!

Also, if you have yet to check out her Adventures of Mr. & Mrs. Kitten, I feel bad for ya son:

99 Prahlemz but a barbeque ain’t one!

So yeah. There you have it. Jane totally deserves to be an OG. Go say “HI!” and congratulate her. Thanks for posting to Buzznet and bringing us your feline adventures, Jane 🙂 We <3 you!