Question of the Day: Do You Know Any Mean Girls?

Chances are, you know or knew some Mean Girls. You know, THEM. Well not THEM! per se (omg GIANT ANTS), but them, the rulers of the school that for some reason or another, singled you out.

This isn’t the first time I’ve used this gif, and you better believe it won’t be the last.

Bree passed along this article titled What Happens When Mean Girls Grow Up? and I thought it was interesting. It reminded me of this group of guys that used to pick on me because I was that kid with the different colored hair every week being all baby Trent Reznor with fishnets and combat boots. They used to throw food at me and my friends. They called me a lot of names. They left us alone after I got mad one day and threw one of the dudes into a locker.

While sit here and stew in my own ~ F A B U L O S I T Y ~ and what not, I hear that these dudes are just wrecks of their former selves. Thank you, FaceBook creepers that clued me in on that some years ago.

Anyway, do you know any Mean Girls? What should happen to them (see above) when they “grow up?” What if they reached out to you on FaceBook or GOD FORBID Tumblr and tried to extend an olive branch? What would you do?