Question of the Day: How Do You Feel About…?

Let’s talk about something serious today. If you haven’t heard about what’s going on in Egypt, it’s probably because CNN was having some anchor person interview Barbara Walters while protestors were being shot at by pro-Mubarak forces. That was some time ago but mind you, I pay more attention to my Twitter/Tumblr feeds for news, as well as the BBC.

So here’s a brief run down of what’s happening in Egypt:

Anti Government Protestors in Egypt: Getty Images

Inspired by events in Tunisia, droves of protestors began to rally in an attempt to voice their concerns about government corruption, gross human rights violations, and a myriad of economic problems that have yet to be addressed by the 30 year, oppressive regime of President Hosni Mumbarak.

In an effort to keep protestors from oraganizing, the Egyptian government blocked Twitter and shortly thereafter, also blocked Facebook. This isn’t the first time that social media services have been blocked by governments in an attempt to keep protestors from organizing. It wasn’t long before all Internet Service Providers as well as text and cell phone service for all of Egypt was terminated.

For a better sumation and greater coverage of the crisis in Egypt, please see the following sources that can be found here:

Thejuthikakid on Tumblr – This is a wonderfully compiled list of media coverage.

#Egypt hashtag on Twitter – Read updates as they happen by those in the thick of it.

Now that you have been updated, how do you feel about all of this? Thoughts? Concerns?