The musical walk of Tokio Hotel (PART 5)

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Well we arrived to the last blog about the first album SCHREI

SCHREI – From suburban band of Magdeburg to the most desired band of the world. (pt.5)


The sonorities

The sound is really 80s and Tokio Hotel include this song in a concise frame: strong presence of the piano and choral effect on the bass. In the refrain, as always happen, Tom’s full guitar is like a lion with the incomparable Bill’s sing line. The singer dares also “sha la la la la” very 60s on a mushy bridge. A perfect song for the radio.

The message

Bill acts a mea culpa for all the bad things he did in the life (“Und dann ich meiner bruder die freundin ausgespannt”, “A day I’ve stolen the girlfriend to my brother”) without apologize for an only instant. For nothing remorseful and he hasn’t psychological torments, but he sings in a pimp way for illustrate his character sometimes egoistic and for to get a passport for the Heaven (“Bitte sei nicht zu gemein. Geb mir noch’ne Chance”, “Please you aren’t too much hard. Give me still a chance”). In the end, it’s the first time that a Tokio Hotel’s lyrics talks about religion (“Hey, Teufel kannst du meine Beichte lessen und dann mit Gott”, “Hey, Devil, can you read my confession and talk about it with God?”). Enough rebel in nature and not so much prone to have idols, Bill jokes with religious traditions rooted in the old generation (“Lass mich wenigstens der engel in der hölle sein”, “Leave me, at least, to be the only angel in the hell”). Even though Bill admits his sins, he plays the part of the innocent for try to make him to forgive; but the lie isn’t a sins too? “In this song I don’t talk about tragedies but to the little pettiness of the daily life: the apologizes we invent for justify a late, the lies we say for don’t hurt people. For write this song I inspired to the relation between my friends and with brother”


The sonorities

Listening this song you can imagine to be in a unplugged concert or during a rehearsal studio with the band. No drums in the beginning, a marked bass line and some melancholy guitar chords. To listen for the vocal parts of Tom, writer of the lyrics and composer of the music. A simple and quiet song with a deep meaning.

The message

Tom illustrates his vision of the world around him. No hip hop riff or sexy bombs girls in bikini although he loves this genre, but instead dark words, of course the song is called Schwartz, black, where he describes the loose of the hope (“Der Blick zurück ist Schwartz. Vor uns liegt die Nacht”, “Back to us all is black. In front of us there’s the night”) and the fear of tomorrow (“Was kommt ist unbekannt. Wir sind die letzten Meter gerannt”, “What will come, we don’t know. At least we have run the last meters”). In his desperation, as well, Tom arrives to write some good phrase like this one (“Es ist dunkel hier im Licht”, “It’s dark here, in the light”) and so we can understand he’s great as the guitar as the words. “In this song I asking to myself if the world is falling through the ruins or not” says Tom.


The sonorities

At a fast tempo for this demo of 2003 includes in the re edition of Schrei with Beichte and Schwartz. An amazing track that, for the guitar riffs of punk inspiration and the refrain perfect for to be sung during the concerts by the crowd, it’s a great song for live sessions. In the lyrics it’s quoted also Britney Spears (“In der schule steht die zeit still und alle zimmer leer, Britney ist doch von gestern unterssiert hier keinen mehr man hat sie schon gesehen auf’m lehreklo und sagst du. Du hast sie nie gesehen, dann lügst du sowieso und liebst Heimlich ihre show”, “At school all the classes are empty, from a few time doesn’t matter about Britney. They’ve seen her in the teachers’ toilet and if you say to haven’t seen her ever you lie and now I pay for to see her shows”) it’s without malice because Bill always said to appreciate and regard so much Britney.

The message

A soft topic for this old song: the super bomb girl, the sexy girl. The one who everyone talks about, the one who breaks a lot of hearts and causes jealousy among the other girls of the school. This is the Thema nr.1 (the theme nr.1). But if Bill dedicated a song to this topic, it’s not only for exalt the body of the beautiful girl but for to show her attraction is based on the unknown, on the hope that the others have to seduce her (“Gestern hab ich ne stende nicht an sie gedacht bin dann gegen meinen willen mit ihr aufgewacht”, “Yesterday, for an hour, I didn’t think to her. And then, despite myself, I woke up with her”). And also that, the prom queen notices who one of his admirers escapes to her, she can’t support it and she feels to bring him again in her net. The sexybomb needs to the looks of her fans as they of her smiles full of promises…