The Clockwork Girl

(sometimes I write poetry at bus stops. This was one of those times.)

A Clockwork Girl

rises at pre-

cisely six and

consults her man-

ual for her

wardrobe (changed

every nine-

ty one point three

one two five days).

She is to be


yet virginal.

Her make-up must

hide imperfect-

tions yet never

draw attention

to eyes or lips,

which could be con-

sidered entic-

ing. When she walks

about she must

be availa-

ble yet aloof

and if a gen-

tleman desires

her attention

she must be po-

lite but never

alluring. If

something bad hap-

pens, she likely

did something to

bring it upon

herself. Now and

then, a Clockwork

Girl will break

out of her routine.

She will attempt to

assert herself as an individual

and discovers

that she likes the way the world

looks a little bit more when she is

slightly out of step.

When this occurs,

the other Clockwork Girls

are quick to act, turning

on her and alerting each

other to her trespass.

They will attack her,

rip her open

so that the world

can see her gears,

rendering her

cogs and springs un

usable, and

if she cries out

in anguish or

agony, they

will ignore it.

But they are not

really to blame,

it is just the

way they are pro-

grammed, and maybe,

some think, if they

could all rebel

together they

could escape. In

stead, they destroy

one girl and a-

nother takes her

place. Because in

the end, the world



