Celebrities We Are OBSESSED With

I’m not too into the celebrity world (the only kind of reality show I’ll willingly watch has to involve CAKE) but there are a few that captivate me. I want to bask in their presence and absorb their magnificence–or date them.

Gwen Stefani

But you knew about this. What you didn’t know is that I had a dream I went to Disneyland with her last night. Now if only No Doubt would hurry up with that album…

Katy Perry

She’s kind of like a cartoon character, you know? She has a style all her own AND a personality that’s just as endearing. PS. I very much need that dress.

Lady Gaga

She’s more art installation than she is human. We want to dress like her, dance with her and STEAL ALL HER HATS.

Joseph Gordon Levitt

We can’t take our eyes off him AND WHY SHOULD WE? He acts, he sings, he’s brilliant–and if we do miss something he does/says/creates? Well, he has a watchdog blog so we’re not worried.


There was this whole period in my life where I pretended not to like her, when the truth is she had me at “laserbeams“. I just really want to party with her.

James Franco

He has a GOLDEN RATIO FACE, he’s a PhD student at YALE and is a published author. I know we’ve been over this, but it still astounds me. I mean, lookingatthisfuckingwikipediaentry. HOW J-FRANC, HOW?

And this concludes my list of celebrity obsessions.