Travie McCoy Performs On Leno With a Surprise Guest

Last night, Travie McCoy took to the stage on The Tonight Show with Screw You I’m Still Team, Jay Leno to perform his song “Need You.”

And he was joined with a very familiar special guest on lead guitar. Watch the video below and see if you can recognize him.

Yep, that’s Patrick Stump rocking out and doing his patented “Stump Stomp.” It’s nice to see him again, out from the studio where I imagine him acting like a Mad Scientist. Bent over instruments and mixing panels, laughing maniacly when something works out. This is the image that makes me laugh hard enough to forget that we are still waiting on Patrick’s new album, which was originally reported to be out this past summer…he’d claimed in July that it was almost done! Patrick, you don’t understand. We NEED this album.

What did you guys think of the performance?