Cleveland Ohio 11/23

Whats Up Buzznet.. Im Gabbie and im about to turn the big 1-8.. That Glorious day will be occuring on Nov 9th 🙂 ( Can you say a great Bday Pres?)

Fun FactsEveryone loves sharing fun facts so mine is i can throw a Six on Saber ( Sword used in Color guard) and turn around and catch it

Everyone needs reason on why they are good at something (here are mine)Numero Uno 1. I love going to conerts and in order to be a proper concert goer you have to be willing to drive.. I am willing to drive 3 hours to cleveland to see this amazing show and blog for you all. Numero 2 : Blogging is something i do very well.. writting comes naturally to me.. I have my own blog where i update on concerts im going to but i also blog for my school on music and whats happening. Blogging is what i enjoy and its FUN!!!!

Questions1. what has been your favorite music video to film for an album?2. If you could recreate someones album who would it be?

Until Next time Buzznet :)xoxoGabbie