Hey Man, Nice Shot – Lights!!! (and a Little Something For Next Week)

Last week, I was inspired by SoWrongItsKaitlin and her magical open shutter photography that I thought it would be fun to see what you all would come up with. There weren’t that many photos this week but hopefully that will change with the easy-osity that is next week’s Nice Shot (we’ll get to that in a sec).

This week’s results are in a blog because it’s easier for me that way and we all need an easy button, amiright?

This magnificents was done by DesertPhreak. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy. 😀

Jacob (Captain HappyCloud) decided he wanted to play with shadows. I can’t stop staring at this nor can I stop thinking that if I look any closer, that pencil is going to stab my eye if I get closer to the screen.

This sunny side up photo was taken by Candl1988. It makes me feel like a pop tart in a toaster.

This photo is so rad. It’s by Iska. That glimmer in her eye, the sun on her face, and that shadow. So cool! I love it!

Sadly, I did not do a post this week because I’ve been running around like a chicken nugget. I kept saying “O I’ll do it today. No wait. Must do other stuff. Ok tomorrow.” As you can see, that didn’t exactly happen. Also, I lost my shutter remote for mai camera when I moved. Mai hart is sad forevs. 🙁

Anyway, this week’s Nice Shot should be a little easier. All you need is a something to write on and things to do a write with and a camera. Oh and a computer and all that jazz that it takes to get your photo to THE INTERNET.

This week I am inspired by the following photo by Jane (who subsequently became insane):

For this week’s Hey Man, Nice Shot – do a drawing of how Buzznet makes you feel.

If you love Buzznet, do something like the above photo to profess your love of Buzznet in your own speshul way. Any feeling you have, try to scribble it, draw it, anything to let us know. I promise I will do something this week. Pinky swearsies! Get to it!

Don’t forget to tag your Nice Shots with FeelinBuzzy2010. I hope I don’t get in trouble for saying that.

<3, El Rich