Glamour Magazine

Check out thr original article HERE

Waking up to that article was not such a bad thing this morning. Being stuck in the house for five days because everyone in Los Angeles is scared of rain..thats a bad thing. If there is one thing I have learned in life it is along the lines of you must do everything yourself. Everytime I ask anyone to do anything, no matter how simple or hard it is…it gets so twisted out of shape. It takes me more time fixing it then it would of if I just did it myself in the first place. The only problem is there is simply not enough hours in the day to do everything yourself. Sometimes I wish I could stop time for a few years and go to school to learn everything. Thank god I have my manager, she saves the day on multiple occasions. As for everyone else I am semi giving up on the human race for the time being.

I wish I could tell you all what I am up too, but I can not speak a word. I need to be a quiet mouse right now. In honor of me hating the human race I am ordering Mexican food and watching Netflix movies all night with my cat.
