Bree’s Book Corner: Favorite Children’s Books

Since there’s so much hype about the coming of Where The Wild Things Are to the big screen, I thought this week we could talk about our favorite Childrens books. You down?

Since our boy Pete Wentz often spurs conversation around these parts, let’s start with the book that also serves as a title for his moody short film that everyone mistook for a sex tape at first: Goodnight Moon.

Not gonna lie, I think the color scheme in this book (published in 1947) is kind of garish, so it wasn’t a coveted story of my youth. Yeah, I pretty much came out of the womb criticizing the aesthetics of my surroundings.

If You Give A Mouse A Cookie was one of my favorites, even though I now realize it’s just a cute way of introducing what a slippery slope is.

Look what you dun started, tsk tsk. I mean, c’mon: If you give a mouse a cookie, He’s going to ask for a glass of milk. When you give him the milk, he’ll probably ask you for a straw.

I have an answer for you, mouse:

You know, minus the chick.

Ok, another fav is Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs

Basically, food falls from the sky. Ish gets a little out of control, but hey. This book is actually going to be an animated movie with Anna Faris and Andy Samberg providing two of the character voices. Look for it later this year.

My all-time favorite is anything and everything written by Dr. Seuss, though. I particularly remember the story of The Sneetches (first lesson in diversity/conformity) and The Lorax, a fist-shaking tale aboutenvironmental responsibility.

UNLESS someone like youcares a whole awful lot,nothing is going to get better.It’s not.

What kiddie lit made an impression on you?