quite quieter than spiders.

bam bam bam bam bam. *shrugs*

today erika and i helped with vacation bible school at our church. we had the youngest group of kids.. the oldest one was like five. so cute! there’s this little girl named treasure. ah, she’s a doll baby. i had to take one of the littlest kids to the bathroom, and he peed himself.. all over the floor and his pants. it was a mess. so i was sitting in the bathroom stall, in the floor, cleaning pee. it was comical.

afterwards, our mom picked us up and we went shopping, since my dad was gonna be watching a basketball game all evening. i got this really cute dress. mine’s green though. i love it sooo much. it was $13 dollars… that’s the most i’ve spent on clothes in a long time. haha! i’ve been finding stuff über cheap lately.

and i want one of these jackets.. i think they’re so cute! $20 dollars… should i do it?

tomorrow is vbs again, no youth group :(.. we actually have vbs until friday. after that, i’m putting some red dye in my hair. hahaha. yay!

