Lily Allen Goes Blond, Posts New Demos

Lily Allen posted a blog on Thursday, announcing her new hair color and the time she’s spent working on new tunes in the studio.

Along with that are two new demos on her MySpace, titled “I Don’t Know” and “I Could Say.”

Allen is recovering from her tragic miscarriage last year, after which the father-to-be, Ed Simons of the Chemical Brothers, left her. In a previous post, I had asked if any of you thought it was going to affect her music — and it clearly has.

Both demos are catchy and dance-y, but she’s obviously reaching in for your heartstrings. She still walks the line between sarcasm and seriousness — on “I Don’t Know” she sings, “Life’s about film stars and less about mothers / It’s all about fast cars and cussing each other / But it doesn’t matter, ’cause I’m packing plastic / And that’s what makes my life so f—ing fantastic / And I am a weapon of massive consumption / It’s not my fault, it’s how I’m programmed to function.”

It seems like a rant, but a sad one — all of her confusion wiggles out in this song. She goes on, “Forget about guns, forget ammunition / ‘Cause I’m killin’ them all on my own little mission / Now I’m not a saint, but I’m not a sinner / Well everything’s cool as long as I’m getting thinner.”

“I Could Say” is a post-breakup retrospective trying-to-be-optimistic ballad. “Now you’re gone, it’s as if the whole wide world is my stage / Now you’re gone and it’s like I’ve been let out of my cage,” are some of the lyrics. I think she still has to cycle through a few stages of greif before it becomes a cousin of Kelly Clarkson’s “Since You Been Gone.” Just sayin’.

I like where all this is going but I desperately want to give the girl a hug.

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