Daydreams…Part 8

It’s nighttime .It’s raining. I just got in from work, I turn on the tv. I see something on the new that stoped my heart from beating. My mom saw it to and said you can never trust Hollywood news. I felt a bit better and want to bed. But I cound’nt sleep. “Well”, I thought, ” I’ll talk to him when he gets back”. But he never did. A few days later I got a letter. I can’t believe it The news was true. I ran up to my room. I fell to the bed, crying my heart out, still holding the letter. I cry now of the momery. Cry like I did when he wrote to me saying that he did’nt think that a long distance relationship was good for me or him, and that we should go our separate ways. It said, all sumed up, that we where over, and he had moved on.

The next month, he was engaged. To another woman.