
Morning Life Adjustments That Will Make You More Productive

It’s hard to imagine being productive in the morning, however it can be the best time to get things accomplished and motivate the rest of the day. Sure, we can all relate to the #struggle of getting out of bed in the AM, but try adding the following tiny tasks to your routine and be amazed at… More »

30 Tattoos For Coffee Super Fans

If you’re like us, the day doesn’t really start until you have that first cup of morning coffee. Regardless of how you take it, black or full of cream and sugar, it’s an amazing way to kick start your day. Of course there are some who love the caffeine buzz so much, they’ve gotten a permanent… More »

DIY Cooling Cucumber Face Toner

I am freaking out about this new skin toner I found the other day! This is exactly what I need in the morning to cool down my skin. You know that…

Question of the Day: First Day of Spring + Wrenches In Engines

Hello Buzznet! It’s the first day of spring so, hooray!. It’s time for high pollen counts and flowers and birds that don’t shut up at night. Really, though, that’s awesome! It’s time for pastels and…

Question of the Day: What’s the First Thing You Do In the Morning?

Oh mornings, how I hate you ever so much. I am not, by any means, a morning person. If you are, well, awesome. Have fun with that and stay clear of me. I…


I woke up monday morning at 9am and looked out the window to see this. I grabbed my camera and got some photos of our fresh snow. Then I went back to bed for a few more hours of sleep : D View in full size original : )

leave me hypnotized, love

freash outta bed ahahhaa so tired after last night i even fell asleep avec makeup and jewelry. so bad.

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