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How Crying Benefits Your Attitude and Health

Most people hate the feeling they get when they cry, but I feel the exact opposite. I love crying! The reason I love crying is because it’s a nautural stress reliever…

Health Tips for Back to School!

Ah, back to school. The time of the year where I am a STRICT dieter! Over the summer, I like to let lose, but not go crazy. I always look forward to back to school because I get to be and eat healthy! I have put together ten health tips that I always follow when… More »

It’s not too late for that bikini body!! 8 moves AT HOME you can do!

After July 4th I know I personally ate and drank enough for a family of 12. All while running around in my bikini. Now I have to get my ass in shape for a burlesque…

Vegan Notes

Here are some useful things I found while researching being vegan.


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A Tip For Shiny Hair

Want shiny healthy hair, fast and easy? I suggest purchasing some COCONUT MILK! I haven’t tried this out yet, but I’ve been hearing a lot about it. (< How to Have Super Shiny Hair)

I’ve been reading…

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