Can you believe this house is real? Incredible home transformation by Katwise

Moon Babies, meet Katwise – an incredible artist residing in upstate New York and living out her fantasy of making the world a more colorful place by not just making clothes and artwork but even transforming a worn out old house into a home that resembles a neon gingerbread witch compound. She calls it Calico – the house that sweaters built or the rainbow house and apparently all of this epicness was possible with the help of her crafty friends or “ninja elves,” as she refers to them.

I am always so inspired to come across people who believe that life is an artiform in itself and the way one speaks, acts, dresses and decorates their home is the ultimate masterpiece. Living a colorful and bold existence is a choice like any other and I believe there are only two ways to go about things – to find an excuse or to find a way.

Check out Katwise’s incredible home transformation in the gallery and find out more about her art and thoughts on her whimsical website:

