Back To School: RoseArt

Are you ready to back to school? I think that YES!!! But I have something special for you. I want to discover with you buzzneting products and DIY from RoseArt.

But at the first I want to say something about my story with RoseArt. As you know crayons are like a therapy to me. From a childhood I’m addicted to them. This is never ending love. But my the best journey with crayons happened about 10 years ago when I received unique crayons from my uncle and aunt. They sent me magic package from USA with buzzneting RoseArt wax crayons, markers and some pencils with American Flag print. I loved them. I have them all the time.

RoseArt wax crayons changed my point of view the art. I love their smell. It reminds me about happiness moments from my life. Thanks them I realized my passion, I living and I had some success. But today I want to show you some great DIY from RoseArt and more stuffs because we back to school!!!!

For a little kids they have great coloring pages. You can check out and download: here

And I found on RoseArt website more than amazing DIY!!!

My favorites:

Flower Bouquet

Chalk Rainbow

Crayon Candles

Butterfly Collage

Don’t wait and follow RoseArt on:Facebook:hereTwitter: hereAnd check out their webiste: here

Thank you so much RoseArt for let me know to use your photos.