Tips To Surviving College

There are many ways to go about your college career and each way produces a different result. In my opinion, it’s not so much about coming out the other end extremely successful and taking the world by storm, as it is about simply being able to mentally and physically survive what are supposed to be the best 4 years of your life and building a thick enough skin to handle the “real world”. It’s totally doable and I’ll show you how. Here are 10 helpful tips to surviving college.

1. Do what you ought to do now, so that you can do what you want to do later.

Procrastination is great and all, but past Bianca always screws over present Bianca when she leaves things for future Bianca.

2. Don’t get caught up in comparing yourself to others.

You do you, boo boo. This isn’t their life, this is yours and your decisions build your own path. Constantly checking back to what everyone else is doing and where they are at can be poison. Have confidence in yourself and your decisions.

3. Beware of people who constantly talk about others.

Who’s to say they don’t talk about you when you’re not there? Surround yourself with awesome positive people.

4. Never start out a relationship with serious expectations.

You’re at a time in your life when you’re supposed to be having fun, so don’t be so quick to tie yourself down!

5. Don’t be “that” drunk person at the party.

It’s not safe and not cute. Watch yourself and know your body. It’s also just not fun for people to have to take away from their party time to make sure your don’t do something you’ll regret the next day. Which leads me to…

6. Make sure you have friends who will have your back and make sure you return the favor.

Yeah, it sucks to have to take care of the drunk person, but good friends will have your back and will make sure you buy them breakfast the next morning as payment.

7. Give yourself one skip day.

Usually, each class allows you one or two unexcused absences without being penalized. I like to give myself one skip day for each class, because sometimes you just need time off. Sometimes I save them to have an extra day or so of vacation time for a break. Sometimes I just wake up and am like “nope”. Either way, it’s nice to give yourself the option.

8. Internships now will be very beneficial later.

Applying for jobs require this thing called “experience” and internships throughout the years help with that.

9. If you’re not sure about doing something, let someone else do it first.

Let someone else be your guinea pig.

10. Take the time to do fun stuff now.

Eventually, everyone will start asking you about your future and you’ll just want to run away.

All in all, college is “the best four years of your life” so you have to make them count! Make memories, meet great people and learn from your mistakes. It has been quite a ride for me and I’m excited to graduate this spring and see what’s next.

What are some of YOUR tips to surviving school?