All Star Month: Crayons & Markers

You know that I love crayons so much. Even I wrote generally about it but today I want to share with you my endless love to crayons and markers!!!

When I was a little girl, often I drew something. And now it helps me too. When I’m sad or worse crayons change my world.

Drawing are from my heart and usually for people. And durin a few years I used crayons to built myself and my art.

But now I want to show you my crayons, markers… and say something about my babies 🙂

My fav are wax crayons from Rose Art. I received them from my uncle when I was 14( probably) and I was at secondary school. I remember that he sent me these from USA and I was so happy because it fantastic crayons. And these brought me a lot great grades/notes.

My crayons from primary school. All time are an amazing!!!

Twistable crayons, crayons and markers from my lovely friend

My markers which I bought about 2-3 years ago. You can see often these in my drawings:

Also 1,5 year ago I bought these.. unfortunately doesn’t work..cost me $0,30 but I was so sad that were dry:

These markers also are dry but I keep all time because look so wonderful. Also from my uncle- secondary school time

And pencils.. I use these 8 years, also from my uncle and these have American Flag!!! So great!!

My fav crayons it also these from time when I was 8 🙂 Yeah, so old!!!

Good crayons from high school

You see so many crayons on the next photo?? Yeah, because these doesn’t work… when you touch the paper it’s the end… very fragil, more than fragil… broken inside from the bought time

And the last stuffs:

Old paints from high school project. Their deadline it 2009 but still works just smell is horrible :/

Glue with glitter

Powder Paint
